Progressive overflow management with a scroll track utility
You probably know the old classic responsive design scenario where you’ve got a row of 3 or 4 items that looks great on large viewports, but on small viewports, it’s a long, stacked list of repetitive strain injury inducing content. It’s a pretty suboptimal situation and it can be incredibly frustrating for users. One trick I sometimes use to avoid this is a .scroll-track
Scroll track permalink
First of all, it’s impossible to use this utility and not have “Bombtrack” by Rage Against the Machine stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Aside from that catchy ear-worm, .scroll-track
is a tiny CSS utility that packs a punch. My favourite type.
The code permalink
.scroll-track {
display: flex;
max-width: 100%;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
.scroll-track > * {
flex-shrink: 0;
This utility leans on flexbox’s default behaviour, where it will automatically layout items horizontally if there’s no intervention from a flex-wrap
rule. By setting overflow-x
to auto and the child items to flex-shrink: 0
, we get a nice, resilient overflow mechanism where items will size themselves, but not shrink as they run out of space.
The small design and interaction detail is using -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
, which tells WebKit browsers—specifically on iOS devices to use inertia scrolling, which gives users a nice, native feel.
Examples permalink
This first example is a site header context with a typical navigation menu pushed out to the right. Nothing revolutionary going on here.
On small viewports, this list of inline links can become a bit of a problem and oftentimes, designers will roll out a hamburger menu or just stack the links vertically. Neither option is very useful. With .scroll-track
, we can leave it all as it is and let it flow. With a bit of shadow to indicate that there’s content to reveal—thanks to Lea Verou’s legendary trick—we’ve got ourselves a tidy progressive solution to a common problem.
See the Pen Piccalilli CSS Utility #4 — Scroll Track — Navigation by Andy Bell (@andybelldesign) on CodePen.
The second example is a classic scenario of some images in a basic gallery. If there were a lot of items that stacked on a small viewport, it could be pretty frustrating for a user.
Thankfully, .scroll-track
allows us to roll out a nice semantic list of images and we’re done!
See the Pen Piccalilli CSS Utility #4 — Scroll Track — Gallery by Andy Bell (@andybelldesign) on CodePen.
Making .scroll-track
more useful permalink
Just like in the gallery example, sometimes it’s nice to have the row of content horizontally centered.
Because display: flex
behaves like display: block
in terms of flow, the .scroll-track
element will fill the remaining horizontal space by default. We can mitigate this by creating a modifier that will change it to display: inline-flex
, which makes it behave more like an inline-block
.scroll-track--fluid {
display: inline-flex;
This .scroll-track--fluid
BEM modifier does exactly that. If the parent—which in the context of the gallery example is the <body>
—has text-align: center
set, the .scroll-track
element will sit horizontally centered by default. This makes an already handy and progressive utility even more useful.
Wrapping up permalink
Hopefully you can roll out this utility on your projects to save some vertical scrolling for small-viewport users. If you wanted to push it even further, you can add some snap points and create a basic, pure CSS slider. Pretty handy, right?
If you do end up using this utility, let me know on Twitter. I’d love to see these utilities provide real value for people.
Hi 👋, I’m Andy — an educator and web designer
I produce front-end development tutorials over at Front-End Challenges Club and Piccalilli. You can sign up for updates on Piccalilli to stay up to date with its progress.